Mon 27 Jan
Upscale Incalls /outcalls Light Skinned Goddes 😁😁 MAkee It Nastyy 😘😘 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
Im Backミ★☆ COME SEE ME!!! ◇◇◇ ☆ミ★☆ I'M SIMPLY THE BEST!!! ☆ミ★☆◇ BuStY DoMiNiCaN ☆ミ★☆◇❤️ !- - 26
NeWGiRl✋ 💞 💞 💞** ( SuP€r • S€x¥ ) ★•🍒🍒 ..yOUr ★*• ToTaL-: 🍒🍒★FaNTaSy ★ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) 🍒🍒✰ N - 24
💕👀 THiCk BeAuTy BoMb💣 ExPLoSiVe 💥MoUtHwAtEriNg 👅👌SkiLLs... $60 Awesome By NaTuRe🍎 - - 23
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
➹L●●K! 🆕☜[(✰ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ wίтħa Bøø✟y✰)] ❥D έ L i C i O u S EXØTiC❥ ◈✧GaυяαηтεεD ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD✧◈ - 21
💕👀 THiCk BeAuTy BoMb💣 ExPLoSiVe 💥MoUtHwAtEriNg 👅👌SkiLLs... $60 Awesome By NaTuRe🍎 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
new white girl★★ ★★ ★★ •••► PERFECT ➓ ★ == ☆ ALWaYS _The_ BeST _ CHoiCE ☆ == ★ I'm BaCk BoY's ★ - 25
UpsCalee InCalls/OUTcalls 24/7 😍😍 Sweet ThiCk Ebonyy Goddess 😁😁 MAkee It Nastyy 😘😘 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
Gorgeous Playmate , Ready Now! 📞😍👈🏼 - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, 💦💦)
MsSexyCamille the most requested in VICTORVILLE CA, I please on anyday of the week baby!! - 29
(Mobile, Victorville, High Desert, Palmdale Rd.)
tuscaloosa in a lonely hotel some where on mc farland - 19
(Tuscaloosa, in a lonely motel on mc farland)
NeW PiCS! $50$ Specials! LimitEd TiMe OnLy !CaLL NoW! CoMe GeT a A Taste of The Best!♛♛ Ms.ThaTruth. - 27
✥❋ ✦✧ ✩ They Might Be ✥❋ ✦✧✩ Cheaper ✥❋ ✦✧✩ but im better believe it ✥❋✦ ✧✩ 404- 839- 3525 - 25
(Tuscaloosa, 404-839-3525)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST CLASS FLIGHT TO PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
(Tuscaloosa, tuscaloosa and surrounding areas)
Good enough To E@T! ( Skyler Mrs. Jessica Rabbit ) Upscale redhead! - 24
(Tuscaloosa, Macfarland Blvd)
*** BIG BooTY playmate ** JuSt FoR tOdAy OnLy **FRE@KY EBONY SPECIALS*call now - 26
(Tuscaloosa, incalls & outcalls)
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa and Surrounding Areas)
((((SiC Of Chic Wit Fake Pics? OR WamBams Thank u ma"ams 1000% authentic pics D/D free))))!!!! - - 23
(Tuscaloosa, mcfarland)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* CUTE *¨¨*-:¦:-* EXOTIC *¨¨*-:¦:-* CrOaTiAn MiX *¨¨*-:¦:-* 80 sPeCiAlS - 25
(Tuscaloosa, mcfarland)
*:• :√√√√ SuPeR SeXY SPe©¡ALZ…√√√√ BeAuT¡FuL TH¡©KNeSS!! *√* DeL¡©¡oUS CuRVeZ!! *√* SoFT & WARM!!¨ - 23
(Tuscaloosa, ;•:*¨¨* INCALL ONLY MCFARLAMD;•:*¨¨*:• :)
Find myspace and facebook whores easy! 100% free sign up!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
The heat index is somewhere between OMG and WTF: no strings attached
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, everywhere)
a fun buddy with no strings attached
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, everywhere)
⭐ Sexy As They Come and Looking 4 Sizzling HOT Fun ⭐ ALL Fetish and Fantasy Needs ⭐ - 28
Meme Is Ready to fulfill All of Your Desires....Test Drive me real pics !!!!! 2 Gurlz If Needed - 21
🔥 H🔥 T T E S T -- 🔥 O N - 🔥 T H E -🔥 L I S T 🔥 R eAL & REVIEWED 🔥💗 -READ_B4_ Callin 80 spc🔥 - 25
(Tuscaloosa, incalls/outcalls)
👣Double Trouble 👣 Last Day to See These Peaches 💋 Experience of a Lifetime 👭👯👯 - 19
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/ macfarlad downtown)
California Best Just Arrived Out calls Whats SweeteR Then HoneY ..Make Appointments Now Or Miss Out - 22
(Tuscaloosa, your place Or mine)
A FrEaKy CuTiE W/a BoOtY ¤~¤ BuBbLeZ ¤~¤ 2 Make Freaky Fantasies Come True!!! - 26
(Tuscaloosa, *°•*☆*•°*☆TUSCALOOSA AL INCALLS*°•*☆*•°*)
BIRMINGHAM🐣🐣Early birds🐣🐣❤️🍀❤️🍀💕Beautiful redhead call me now - 37
(Birmingham, birmingham NOT TUSCALOOSA, Tuscaloosa)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ ToP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ - 21
(Tuscaloosa, McFarland{incalls})
★▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ █▒✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ WITH ▒█ █▒Vanessa★ - - 25
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, °o♥o°•All Night Specials°o♥)
❤** OVERLY** ❤ GORGEOUS.★. • ▓ ▒ ░ *❤PETITE❤* ░▒▓•♥• BoMBsHeLL•♥• ▓▒░ * ❤.•* G0DDESS *•.❤*░▒ - 23
(Tuscaloosa, tuscaloosa out)
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕 - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, everywhere, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
💛Reviewed💜 I Love Massages 💙【BLOnDe BarbieDoll】▬ 【💙💋HIGHLY SKILLED💙💋 Reviewed 💕&💕 Perfect - 25
*****TOY NURSE TEACHER DIANA *** BIGGEST Natural BREASTS in TEXAS! **Coming to Tuscaloosa Saturday!! - 49
😋💃😋 Call for PHONE SEX with HORNY GIRLS 📞 1-800-Jet-Doll 📞 😋💃😋 - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, PHONE SEX, Tuscaloosa)
(¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯)PRFCT PL@¥M@T LATE NIGHT $PCL$ ULTiMÅT PlEaSuRe(¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) - 20
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa OUTCALLS AVAILABLE)
Hellooooooo guys last day in town specials specials specials!!!!!!! - 21
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Alabama)